The artist: Juergen Wieshoff
It was 1961 when Roy Lichtenstein left his protracted paths for the first time by painting his comic adaptation "Look Mickey", and Andy Warhol discovered comics with his sketches of Popeye and Superman. Much more unnoticed Juergen Wieshoff was also born out of the world. As a child, he found his love for pop art through comics, which he devoured in vast quantities.
He soon became an avid visitor to many international art museums, especially in the USA, but he was disappointed to find that he could not afford a lot of fine works of his idols. Out of desperation he began to paint them himself, and so his first works of art were created.
His works are characterized by a very clear colour and form language. This is certainly due to the fact that before completing his studies he graduated as a technical draftsman. In addition, his activity temporarily included work as an industrial designer, during which he received several nominations for design awards.
Then came the time when he decided to implement his own ideas, and so the Pop Art Gallery was created for the distribution of his own works. (At the moment, the distribution is limited to his own works, but you never know ...)